Allowing the journey to unfold (& sharing as you’re in it)

I want to normalise and contribute to sharing the realness and challenges around when you are stepping into uncharted territory, that is completely new to you. When you are making space for big, ‘scary’ change to take place and allowing new versions of you to step forward.

We tend to find it easier to share once we’ve properly moved through and have overcome the challenge. We share when we’ve achieved certain results or an ‘end state’. At least I’ve witnessed this in myself and perceive it to be common in the world of ‘achievement’ and ‘success’.

But the truth is that that the feeling of fear, worries and the challenges that come with it may never go away. I feel that if I’m truly committed to constantly challenging myself and doing things, then this is a part of the journey and will continue to be. So instead of rejecting and wishing these feelings or parts of me to go away, I allow and approach it with curiosity and compassion.
I firmly believe things like this will continue to come up as long as we live, if we continue to be open to change and are honest about it.

So observe openly, allow compassionately and take thoughtful aligned action. That is what I’m telling myself right now.

Although it is challenging, I am allowing things I want to do to take some time while I continue to coach myself (with the support of some incredible people) to take a step forward. I am constantly letting go of how the mind and ego thinks things should be done – so I can continue to allow and connect with the body, heart and soul aspects more.

It is a constant balancing act between the doing and being, while approaching things in the most authentic and sustainable way forward possible. It is a constant act of courage and overcoming the fears.

Incredibly grateful for the people who openly share and support others alongside them about the real challenges in bringing creations to life and business in an authentic way. No matter how big or small this creation may be. In places like outside the realms of traditional employment and the ‘safer’ 9-5 environment. I’m especially feeling inspired by you who share your story, encourage self-coaching and allow others to find their version of it, rather than prescribing through a fixed mindset and black/white lens. You inspire me to allow a journey of experiments, mistakes along the way and learning from it.

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